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Fall 2020 Events

Living the Precepts Today
A six-week class led by Tova Green and Marcelo Marer
The precepts are ethical guideposts that can inform our thoughts, words, and actions. As such, they can be catalysts for mutual support and exploration of what it means to be awake and responsive in today’s world. In this class, we will study the precepts through brief readings and small and large group discussions.
We hear calls to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic, racial and economic injustice, the climate crisis, and the coming election. With COVID-19, we might also experience personal feelings of isolation and separation. Many of us are overwhelmed. Studying and practicing with the precepts enables us to realize our togetherness in sangha and the broader communities we engage with every day.
This six week class will begin on Thursday September 24, and will run for 6 weeks every Thursday from 7 - 8:15pm CST. ​
Cost: Suggested donation of $25-60 for the series. No one turned away for lack of funds. You can make payments using the donate button at the top of this website.
About the teachers:
Jisan Tova Green has been in residence at San Francisco Zen Center for many years. She was ordained as a Zen priest and received Dharma Transmission from Eijun Linda Cutts in 2015 and has held many positions; she now resides and teaches at City Center. She co-founded the SFZC Queer Dharma Group in 2009 and the group “Unpacking Whiteness – Reflection and Action.” Tova has worked as a hospice social worker, plays the cello, and writes poetry.
Originally from Brazil, Marcelo Marer has been sitting at San Francisco Zen Center since 2012 when he moved to the Bay Area from London. A student of Tova Green's since 2012, Marcelo received Jukai (Lay Ordination) in 2016 and is currently a member of the San Francisco Zen Center board. He has worked as a product designer for a couple of decades, leading user experience and design teams at the BBC, Yahoo, and, most recently, at Ancestry.com.